This NEW AI Outshines ChatGPT By Using Your Youtube Data #shorts #technology #ai

11 months ago

People have high hopes for OpenAI, but they're also a bit scared and maybe even a tad jealous of this Microsoft-funded company. We all want to experience our own "ChatGPT moment" in AI, but no one has come close to what OpenAI achieved. Remember when Google tried with Bard? Well, let's just say it didn't live up to expectations, even with an active internet connection.

But hold on, Google is upping its game! They brought back DeepMind to the scene to raise the stakes. OpenAI might be feeling a little jittery right now, with some of its employees leaving to join Google DeepMind. And guess what? Demis Hassabis, the founder of DeepMind, recently claimed that their next project, called Gemini, will surpass ChatGPT. That's a bold claim!

Gemini, like GPT-4, is expected to be multimodal, combining the powers of AlphaGo, DeepMind's system known for planning, reasoning, and problem-solving. So, what makes Gemini stand out? Well, let's talk about Elon Musk for a second. Rumor has it that he might acquire Reddit, and his plan to build a "woke ChatGPT" rival, possibly using Twitter and Reddit data, seems plausible. Reddit's CEO Steve Huffman has been praising Musk's way of handling Twitter, after all.

Here's the real kicker: DeepMind has something that nobody else has—YouTube! While Twitter is all about text, YouTube is a treasure trove of visual, audio, and textual data in almost every language on Earth. We're talking tutorials, lectures, podcasts—the works! If DeepMind claims that Gemini is going to be multimodal, then they might just have the best understanding and generating model out there. YouTube's got it all—multimodal, multilingual, and multiregional.

But wait, there's more! DeepMind, originally based in London, found itself restricted by the strict EU laws on regulating AI. Now that they're part of the US-based Google again, they can benefit from the laws that govern the parent company. Oh, and here's an interesting tidbit: Google's privacy policy actually gives them the right to use videos on YouTube for their purposes, even if they have copyright.

Now, let's turn the tables. While OpenAI claimed that Google's Bard was trained on ChatGPT data, there are allegations that OpenAI used its Whisper model to train on YouTube data by converting audio to text. Talk about a twist!

But here's the thing—OpenAI isn't scared enough! During a recent visit to Israel, Altman and Sutskever faced a direct question from the audience about the secret sauce of ChatGPT. Sutskever made it clear that open-source models like LLaMa, Falcon, or Vicuna are nowhere close to what OpenAI has built. Even if someone replicates the technology in the coming years, OpenAI will already be far ahead with their ongoing advancements.

OpenAI is proud of what they've achieved, and let's not forget that Microsoft's backing and their early start gave them an advantage. However, Google has been trying to catch up for the past two years. Hassabis, on the other hand, has been sending mixed signals about the risks of AI, previously voting for a pause on giant AI experiments but now building something to compete with OpenAI. The competition is heating up!

The AI revolution is far from reaching its peak. The leaders in the field are still climbing higher while trying to outdo each other. ChatGPT may have captured the world's attention, but DeepMind's Gemini aims to rival—or even outperform—it. Using techniques from AlphaGo, Gemini combines the strengths of AlphaGo with powerful language capabilities. DeepMind's experience in reinforcement learning might just give Gemini the edge it needs.

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