MY Details the 44 mm CV Carb - Genuine Part Numbers in Description

1 year ago

Shout out to my friend Paul M. for providing this awesome information on parts. Do not buy packaged rebuild kits when you overhaul a carb. They won’t be genuine parts. Genuine parts are sold online.

44mm Harley Davidson parts numbers

27724-99 SLOW JET #50

27726-99 MAIN JET #210

27727-99 NEEDLE,JET N8EK

27775-99 MAIN JET #220

27776-99 MAIN JET #230

27778-99 MAIN JET #240

27779-99 MAIN JET #250

27780-99 SLOW JET #52

27933-99 NEEDLE,JET N8EL

27967-99 NEEDLE,JET N8EM

27968-99 NEEDLE,JET N8EN

Carb specs

Street Legal CV44 ( Cali Emission motorcycle-overturned now illegal)

27025-01 needle (new)

27725-99 needle jet (same as CV44)

27105-88 main jet (#200)

27165-90 slow jet (#48, same as CV44)

27162-89 200/290 spring (same as CV44)

CV44 (crossed flag model)

27933-99 needle #N8EL

27725-99 needle jet

27775-99 main jet #220

27165-90 slow jet #48

27162-89 200/290 spring

HD Tuner parts

27105-88 #200 main

27726-99 #210 main

27775-99 #220 main

27776-99 #230 main

27778-99 #240 main

27779-99 #250 main

27165-90 #48 slow

27724-99 #50 slow

27780-99 #52 slow

27727-99 #N8EK needle (leanest)

27933-99 #N8EL needle (lean)

27967-99 #N8EM needle (rich)

27968-99 #N8EN needle (richest)

27728-99 130/210 gram spring

Brass components are HD parts made in Japan. Dealers no longer stock these parts, but they are available for sale from Bike shops on Amazon & Ebay. They are getting rare.

Before changing any jetting, check the carburetor float level and adjust as necessary.

NOTE: There are no adjustable Needles for the CV44mm. Placing a 40mm Needle into a 44mm can be done, but it will result in a “HUNG THROTTLE”.

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