Biden – The Most Corrupt in US History, 4140

10 months ago

Good evening. I’m still reporting on the coup, which today, continues to explode into a million pieces.

On Maria Bartiromo’s show this morning on Fox, former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, and China expert, Gordon Chang, blasted Joe Biden and his administration for running the most corrupt administration in U.S. history.

The worst of that corruption may have been Joe Biden stealing, then selling TOPSECRET documents over the years to China via a variety of modern-day drop boxes. If proven to be true, this is a treasonous crime, which if convicted of, would involve consideration of the death penalty. That’s how serious this is.

Newt mentions this drop-box gambit early on when he talks about the current Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, being paid over one-million dollars a year by the University of Pennsylvania to oversee the Penn-Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, where between Nov. 2022 and January 2022, Joe Biden’s attorneys found approximately 25 to 30 classified documents in his former office.

Insert to Newt saying: “… is horrifying....”

And for those who have not followed this sordid story closely, yes, it has been proved my genetic testing that this is the granddaughter of Joe Biden via his drug-addicted son, Hunter.

Insert from: “… and lets you know….” To: “… survival of the United States.”

Exactly! And for those who are not old enough to have followed this, it all started back in 1971 when President Nixon clandestinely sent his National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, to China to meet with high-level officials. This was followed the next year by Nixon’s personal visit to China. Here is the official White House photo of the Nixons descending the steps of Air Force One in China on Feb. 21, 1972.

From that point on, the ruse was launched that communist China could be tamed - persuaded to become a good world citizen if we only would build up their economy at the expense of our own. It has not worked out well for freedom.

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