God is not binary at all and He will make the wicked pay

1 year ago

A sodomite den of thieves so called church said God is binary no He is not at all and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and America is far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and will be destroyed!! The tribulation period will be hell on earth and it will be, God is not a jelly bean at all and hates the wicked and will make them pay and they will pay, all the woke dead churches are dead and have demons in them period!! The early Christians or believers were on fire and suffered persercution, Stephen was stoned to death, James was killed by the sword by king Agrippa, Peter was crucified upside down, Paul was beheaded, the early Christians suffered persercution and do today, and those who persercute Christians will regret it!!! God has had enough!!!!

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