Patterns In Numbers

1 year ago

Madking's Alchemical Delta: How to Ascend the Tree of Life to Reach Your Holy Guardian Angel:
$2.99 Author Profits go to Empower Us Ministries for election integrity and animal rescue. Free with Kindle Unlimited.
Now in paperback for quite a bit more; but actually a magic number next to the minimum price for extended distribution of a full color paperback that takes your through the alchemical tarot on your ascent of the Tree of Life. And again, all author proceeds go to bettering the world.






Each arrow is an hour meditation. If you do them you'll dream like I do, It's a snapshot of heaven. You do not have to stop anything that you are doing to focus your mind. They are labeled in phases so you can go back to get a fuller picture.

Phase Thirty Five:
→Curb your thoughts to suggestive; if they are explicit
→You find stillness on a dark green glowing platform in the night time plane inside the Temple of God with the Pyramid of Transformation which makes up the lower sixth of the cube temple
→You ascend to a white plane far enough up that you have to fly. But you can in the spirit. On the white plane is the angel that looks like Bob Denver over the power of the last moment. He says his name is Ch. He wears a Jera Rune around his neck. He merges with you.
→You now know the last moment has power. Therefore you will others before yourself to acquire power.
→You notice a white light coming from the loins of your spirit body. This is the foundation of your spirit body: a path that puts others ahead.
→You ascend a great height to a sardonyx platform. There is an Enochian Ged on it with a dot to the left. You know this is the Ch sound
→You now see an angel who looks like Tina Louise. She says her name
ChF, because she is the second Ch and two Ch make and F in the Angel Language.
→This Sardonyx step is large and has a glowing yellow top. This matches a glowing yellow ring on the left index finger of Ch.
→She says you must obey all appointments in time to continue.
→She ascends to a platform glowing ultra-violet black, you follow. When you get there, there is a woman with such an ultraviolet glow coming from her chest. She looks like she is an Italian and Arabic mix. She has a Pertho Rune pendant and a Greek Pi pendant.
→She explains you need to learn to speak to your animal, to direct it as the angel, for this is evidence of the holy.
→She ascends to a red glowing platform. You follow her.

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