The healing power of magnets: Recover your health from any condition with Biomagnetism

1 year ago

Over the last 13 years I have learned that we can recover from ANY condition, be it “terminal”, “incurable”, chronic, “genetic”, degenerative, or skeletal. We are electromagnetic beings, our cells are microscopic magnets 🧲 with positive, negative & neutral electric charges, in perfect balance producing a healthy body.
When the electric charges in our cells fall out of balance, this allows germs and toxins to spread and multiply. When we treat our body by applying therapeutic grade magnets we help our cells recover that state of perfect balance in which these “agents” can no longer survive or harm the body. . Through Biomagnetism 🧲, a powerful tool that I practice for the past 13 years, I’ve seen how harmful germs, toxins, and unhealthy emotions and thoughts can be eliminated from our body, preventing their gradual accumulation and ultimately preventing them from causing harm to our organs and systems 😊.
In Alternative Medicine we can find different tools that help us live a healthy life and become more connected to our inner wisdom or our intuition
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