Thoughts on Brunson v. Adams, COVID-19 Lockdowns, Bible Miracles, Parental Rights and Alveda King.

11 months ago

Reflecting on COVID-19 Lockdown

(I posted this article on my Facebook page on July 5, 2020).

I will review what they have done to us while they’re doing it so we will know, remember and when “this too shall pass,” we will never forget it.

They told us to stay home. They restricted our movements. They took away our livelihood. They disrupted families. They separated schoolmates and wedged playmates. They ostracized girls and boys from interacting, fostering relationships and blossoming friendships with other boys and girls.

They destroyed small mom and pop stores. They corralled us to shop at large corporate box stores. They took away our jobs. They crashed our booming economy. They denied some of us to visit our elders in rest homes. They allowed some seniors to die alone there. They even prevented funerals and exacerbated the grief stricken from grieving and burying their loved ones.

They destroyed our way of life. They stopped little league baseball and soccer leagues. They cancelled track meets, baseball games and other organized sports at K-12 schools, community colleges and universities. They prevented fans from spectating sports activities at stadiums, arenas and basketball courts. They shut down K-12 schools, community college and university graduations.

They trampled on our constitutional rights. They prevented petitioning. They inhibited politicking. They said we couldn’t buy or sell or conduct other commerce. They chided us for peacefully protesting. They castigated us for demonstrating to reopen. They shut down places of worship. They’re now advising us to discontinue chanting in mass and discontinue singing in church.

They abused, exploited and used blacks. They condemned, intimidated and shamed whites. They abandoned, demoralized, discussed and in some localities defunded police. They looked the other way when anarchists terrorized, trashed and torched cities. Some victims were physically assaulted. Other victims were brutally murdered.

I wondered if they smiled when sincere police officers kneeled before pained protesters. I am curious to know if they laughed when well-intentioned police officers kneeled in front of rioters. They surely didn’t care when we saw on TV rioters harassed, harangued, hissed and spat on men and women police officers who stood at disciplined attention guarding against looters.

They unilaterally changed scores of laws without being introduced/sponsored by legislator(s); without being reviewed by legislative counsel; without studying fiscal impact; without being heard in committee(s); without legislators hearing and analyzing arguments for; without lawmakers listening to and pondering arguments against; without considering the opinions of subject matter experts (SMEs) on both sides of the issue; without allowing proponents, opponents and SMEs to introduce oral testimony, written testimony and letters in the public record; without being moved by vote from lower house; without being passed by vote in upper house; and without being signed by the head of the executive branch.

They now require the wearing of cloth, paperlike or plastic material face coverings. As a result of these face coverings we no longer see faces of family members, our own children, passerby’s and strangers in public. Passerby’s and strangers in public no longer see faces of family members and our own children.

They have erected invisible barriers. They have strained human interaction. They have caused tension between us and amongst us. They have caused each of us to view one another with ire and suspicion.

We have difficulty hearing and problems understanding words uttered from masked mouths. Masks mask lips. Masks mask smiles. Masks mute voices. Masks suppress breath. Masks restrict breathing. Masks causes shortness of breath, lightness of head, and forgetfulness of thought. It is unknown the myriad of other ailments, sickness and diseases that will develop among those who continually wear masks for a prolonged period of time.

They criminalize the appearance of face mask wearers. They discriminate against non-face mask wearers. They caused the civilian deputization of COVID cops stationed at the front doors of corporate box and grocery stores. They pit those who wear face masks against those who don’t wear them. They encourage sneering, spying and snitching.

We are being traumatized, which is actually a tepid word. We are being tortured by they...

...And who are they? We, the people, are being psychologically and physically tortured by the privileged and the powerful; by the patricians and the politicians; by the press and the pundits; and by powerful global families, billionaires, members of secret societies and so-called physicians. “Useful idiots,” acting against their own self-interest and against our interests, do their bidding.

I am sad to state that we, the people, are also psychologically and physically torturing ourselves, the plebiscites —who are the law-abiding, hard-working, tax-paying common people.

We are all victims of psychological and physical torture. Most of us don’t even know it. Many of us aren’t even aware of it. The majority of us will probably deny it. Some will view me negatively for reciting what they have, are, and will continue to try to do to us.

Yes, I am sad to say that we, the people, are suffering. This is quite concerning. I heard one slim man audibly ventilate wearing a face mask. I saw a second man noisily breathe wearing a face mask. I witnessed a heavy set man barely walk wearing a face mask. I have seen countless people wearing face masks outside in between 90 to 100 degree heat! I have witnessed people adjust string wrapped around ears. They repeatedly touch and adjust face covers. They endure their own breath condensate glasses lens. Their vision obfuscated by foggy glass.

What about squinting eyes and perspired heads? What about hearts, brains and lungs? Whataboutoral hygiene? What about the possibility—indeed probability of infecting mouths and lips? What about epidermal discomfort? What about irritation caused by cloth, paperlike or plastic material face mask touching and rubbing and scrapping against skin for a prolonged period of time? What about the psychological and physical effects of seniors and the shut-in and singles being incarcerated alone in their houses, apartments and rooms? What about people being alienated from family and away from friends, co-workers and people?

Don’t let them manipulate you and intimidate you. Don’t let them dominate you and dehumanize you. Don’t let them subjugate you and enslave you. Don’t let them affect your health these long hot summer days because doing so may affect your health during the short cold winter days. Don’t let their satanically motivated and demonically inspired public health guidelines prohibit you from praising God and worshipping Jesus Christ the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world!

Be aware of their duplicity. Be wise of their deception. Activate your critical thinking skills. Question their motives.

Know that the same people who espouse and implement population control; the same people who agree with killing babies in the womb; the same people who are proponents of allowing botched aborted babies die outside the womb; the same people who barter baby body parts; the same people who enrich themselves from the pain, the suffering and the deaths of the innocent; the same people who create bio-weapons in lab, infect people in Africa with it, test vaccines there to be used here and elsewhere truly don’t have your best interest at heart.

July 4, 2023 blog post titled “Do We Believe in the Holy Bible?”


July 9, 2018 Facebook post sharing how I met Evangelist Alveda C. King.

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