Richard Gallardo on Freedom in Action Podcast 7/8/23: Take Control of Your Local Elections

1 year ago

This selected podcast is a must listen for all California counties who want free, fair and honest elections. The window is rapidly closing on this prospect as state and local governments cast ever more motions to codify fraud into our election process. You will learn more from this interview than even Reform California or Election Integrity California are discussing, because neither are talking about the detailed steps we need to take, such as the essential separation of ballots, in order to secure our future elections.

Richard Gallardo is a bright star and a brave soul in the world of civic duty, and serves as a great role model for us. He is a retired military police officer with a passion for studying the law and holding law breakers in government positions accountable. He is the one who organized the citizen’s arrest on Shasta’s corrupt Board of Supervisors during the illegal Covid-era shutdowns, and, the following year, he spearheaded the recall process of three board members who were in direct violation of the Brown Act, multiple other civil codes as well as their sworn oaths of office.

This is a screen recording of Richard Gallardo speaking as a guest on a regional podcast called “Freedom in Action”, hosted by Attorney Pete Peters, which aired on July 8, 2023 (yesterday). The introduction, the ads and filler music have all been edited out, but if you want to listen to it with all of that, go to the following link and scroll down to “Freedom in Action Hour 2/ July 8, 2023”

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