Woke is a culture war against Europe and the West.

1 year ago

Why are we are being hit from all sides and all at once? Woke, LQBTQ+, CRT in schools, wide-open border, inflation, crime, looting of stores, and much more.

It’s not a coincidence. James Lindsay’s excellent address to the EU Parliament (March 2023) spells out what is behind it and end goals.

Well worth a listen!

00:00 The definition of Equity - woke is Maoism with western characteristics.
02:10 Marxism is a genus of ideological thought, with many different species in this genus
bound together by intersectionality, but the logic is Marxist.
04:35 Society produces man = inversion of praxis.
08:00 Take out class, put in race: CRT falls out of the hat.
11:00 How's Queer Theory Marxist?
14:03 Cultural Marxism appears (or Western Marxism).
16:25 Herbert Marcuse said the working class is no longer base of the revolution, abandons the working class and focuses on race, sexuality and culture.
19:00 They see themselves as nations, evolved to attack the west.
21:03 'Being white is bad, being white is oppressive'.
22:02 The European Cultural Revolution to destroy western civilization from within.
24:00 Woke is Marxism evolved to attack the West, Europe is at great risk.
26/20 The Goal is to make us global citizens: 17 sustainable goals (SDG) of UN = slavery.
28:00 I have come to name the enemy.

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