you're not alone if you have God *Matthew 19:12

1 year ago

sari to do this again to you vortex
internalize many a reaction over here
you don't got me
being invalidated is just infuriating
"loved ones" never seem to understand do they
stop yelling at people for being different than you
most are wired for human relations
so comforting to go home and be by myself
i had to kick out my last roommate cos she wouldn't shut up
self-fulfilling prophecy means pathological
don't feel sorry for me damnit
stop inviting me to things
i have lately got back to that glorious society i call solitude (henry david thoreau)
my validation isn't contingent on society
it's in my nature to obsess about things
the world doesn't understand "loneliness"
just becuz you don't understand it doesn't make it wrong
people purposely misinterpret me even after i explain it
patchouli opinions for the most part
my art is based on my perspective not yours
fiona apple is my spirit animal
i'm not making her music so i have no right to tell her what to do
if you genuinely appreciate a person you appreciate their negative qualities as well becuz it's what makes them who they are
beauty and happiness are both in the eye of the beholder
blank threats here hahaha
a lotta people think i should join the monastery

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