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The Called Energy Vlog

1 year ago

The Called Energy vlog Title is from the Starseed oracle card we pulled due to this being a hierophant card day . July 8, 2023 adds up to 23 or #5 the hierophant card, a spiritual messenger in its highest interptaion, a pope with bad motives read dogma that he preaches to control the flock.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us tow amplitudes The first was at a power of 40 at 12:10 AM UYCC. Thus the Emperor is succeeded by the Emperor. The next amplitude was a power of 36 at 2:30 AM UTC. Thus we have the Hierophant seeking Wisdom from the Hermit. The Quality power was 6.30, thus was the Hermit card going within for that wisdom he finds there. The frequency average came up to 7.68 Hertz, thus the world or universe cardigan today thus successful completion the reward at the end of the Journey. when we take all of these together we have ; The Hierophant with his Spiritual meaassage being enjoined by a new Emperor to incorporate the Hermits widom for his message to the world.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
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