God Helps Church Member To Avoid The Jab, But The Congregation Does Not Seem To Care.

1 year ago

This recording contains a clip from a service where the moderator gave his testimony, about how God saved him when he refused to take the jab and I was expecting the congregation members to go wild, because one of their members had a great deliverance from God and they are supposed to rejoice with him, which they seemed to be happy to do when he had said he had not caught the virus, but when he finished his testimony and was glad that God had helped him to avoid the jab, it was as if what he had said made them feel ashamed, because they had now gone quiet and he then had to reassure them that he was ok with the people who did not have any faith in God in relation to avoiding the jab. What the congregations reaction shows me is that there must have been a lot of church people who just believed whatever the government was saying and just gave in to what was popular, rather than operating like a true church member who has a God that they are willing to trust in.

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