Help for Skip de Reha please

11 months ago

I wanted to start a NGO to save horses. I know Skip since 3,5 years when I was riding him 3 x per week. As his owner's had to sell him they wanted a good place instead of much money so I got him. But sadly I got sick with an antiimmun desease, too, gained 30 kg weight and have to learn how to walk again.
Skip had to change the barn he was living in, he is taken care from amazing horse loving people while I look that I can move again. But he is not used to be in the open for 24 hour's , to playing, with the other horses, he got injured needed horse shoe's, I had to pay training lesson's,..I bit up more that I can chew so Skip is my first project and if anybody can and want's to help me get over this time please use PayPal and THANK YOU!!!
It is only untill I can train and work with my horse myself again, they need this. Horses, especially Skip geht's bored very easy and than injuries happen.
Please help me people and I feel ashamed enough, pls no nasty comment's!!

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