Ezekiel 34-6 Verse of the day P-1 - Oh you fat cows

11 months ago

Part one- Fat Cows
1st day of the week, Sunday July 9th, 2023 Verse of the day Ezekiel 34-6
I deleted all of my old warnings from back in 2008 to 2013 or 14 (or so IIRC) back in those days.
HEED The Following Please.
A lot of you are lean sheep. Not fat cows. Do not let Satan convince you that the words spoken for those wicked ones were meant for you. He tries to do that a lot.
And Yet again some of you believe you are sheep, yet are fat cows unbeknownst (and some knowingly) to some of you.
Learn the difference. Jesus Christ gives you the key to understanding this in the words in red. And it is a simple (yet not always easy) thing to change from a fat cow to a lean sheep. The words in red light the way.

If I can be saved from being a servant of wickedness and a lover of iniquity to a man who loves and seeks righteousness (pretty much continually for I am not a very good Christian I think), anyone can, as Jesus Christ clearly states.

Those wicked ones concerned that have taken power oh so many years ago should still have all of my old writings via their collection agencies. And those sheep, goats, rams, cows and even the fouls that prey on the sheep have been warned but good. As has everyone else who stumbled across those writings from back in the day.

Oh You Fat Cows, how I yearn for you all to change your ways.
How much better it would be for everyone if you did not adhere to the dog eat dog, lying, thieving, destructive, murderous mentality of Satan himself.

You who take widows houses from their families as a routine act. You who demand usury for what should be a simple and equitable loan from your hearts. You who make laws designed to divide and keep the sheep lean. And so many more of you wicked wicked wicked people. How you ALL, even the supporters thereof, shall burn if you do not change your ways.
Seek God Almighty, for he is righteous, good and true.
Seek Jesus Christ, For he is the way, the truth, and the life.
Jesus Christ is the light of men.

You fat cows and all the rest have been publicly warned.
Choose God or be punished with punishment that no critter of God can endure.
You have been warned. Repeatedly.

Later Taters. God Willing.

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