Another Fake Letter From Landlord He finally Did up One To Lie TO THE Police! To Commit Crime!

10 months ago

SO how much tax paying dollar do you Pigs want to waist screwing yourselves in THE Ass? Now it is fake he cannot go in front of the tribunal Except it is not because it cannot be THE rent is paid!!!!!!! You are all Criminal Forgery , Harassment x1000, Yet THE Police & THE landlord Work Together in Their Criminal Organisation Which they just claim total ignorance to they claim they are totally ignorant!!! THE Police just say we don't know , that 9is what bank statements are for Goofs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!b Mother You do not mind THE Court Cases THE Torture THE Starvation THE other disabled people being starved & Killed When Just a single word from you would stop it all !! Do you see Satan !!!!!! I tell You t5he truth , My Mother is a Nazi & Has been her whole Life Along With My Father I Love THE poor Black , Brown Or Jew In Jesus Name your all Loved THE same .

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