Mental Coercion | The Brainwashing Continues

1 year ago

#psychology #mentalhealth #freedom

The line between mental coercion and voluntary consent is blurred. The stealthy mental coercion turns man into a meek conformist. The masses go through intense psychological coercion by repeated propaganda and physical degradation through: isolation, closing gyms, and encouraging drug use. Mental coercion is a valuable tool for the overlords. The masses are subject to massive fictions and even intelligent people succumb.

The masses become mentally blind. They become unable to see the mental coercion happening. Most will be unable to step back and view it in hindsight. It’s unclear who has succumbed to mental coercion and who agrees with it or thinks they are mistakes. This is a long process of systematic indoctrination. Once the hypnosis is complete, non-statist have been turned into statist and repeat the propaganda.

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