Rabbi says Reptilians are the Good Guys!

1 year ago

Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok says that the Reptilians from the underworld are the good guys! He says they come up from Hollow Earth and that he talks to them all the time by Astral Projecting or Remote Viewing. He claims that a portal is under Jerusalem to the underworld. He also says a baby escaped the destruction of Jerusalem and has been living in the underworld for over 2,000 years. Will this baby ascend from the Abyss to be their awaited Messiah?

I have been investigating the Kabbalah plan to bring in their Messiah from the underworld. Here is part 1 of - Kabbalah's 666 plan to usher in their Messiah and World Dominance.


I have never really gone down the rabbit trail of investigating Judaism until recently. I am quite stunned to find out what they actually believe. I was under the impression that they just studied the Old Testament. Boy was I wrong! They only accept the Old Testament as interpreted by their deluded Sages. I never would have guessed that Kabbalah is the basis for the things taught in Freemasonry, the New Age and Witchcraft and Satanism. But this is exactly the case! In the video I posted above you hear a Rabbi teaching about astral projection and going through portals to meet to entities called Reptilians (snake entities), who live in hollow earth. Then he mentions that during the destruction of the temple a baby was rescued and brought to live in the hollow earth in a place called, "The Birdsnest". Wow, this is some crazy stuff! Where are they getting all this? From the Zohar! Here's a synopsis from Shemot, Chapter 15. https://www.zohar.com/zohar/Shemot/chapters/15

"Rabbi Shimon then explains to Rabbi Elazar that the Messiah resides in the lower Garden of Eden, surrounded by saints, angels and the souls of the righteous. There is a concealed place in Eden called "Bird's Nest" which is revealed to the Messiah by the bird that awakens daily in the Garden. In the Bird's Nest is the Cloak of Majesty, and the images of all the nations that banded against Yisrael are woven into this garment. The Messiah enters this place and sees the Patriarchs visiting the ruins of God's Sanctuary and God trying to comfort Rachel, who weeps incessantly. Then he weeps loudly and all of Eden shakes and laments with him. When he cries for a second time, the Holy Throne summons them and they ascend above. There, God makes them swear to avenge the children of Yisrael through the Messiah..."

The Bible says that the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, ascended up into the sky to go to prepare a place for us, New Jerusalem, which is above. When Jesus comes back he's coming from ABOVE, not below. It's the impostor Beast that's going to arise from the Abyss. The clever cover story is to say he's in the "Garden of Eden" below. It's funny how the Rabbi says that this baby who was "kidnapped" has been in this garden for around 2,000 years. That's approximately the time lapse since Jesus defeated the devil at the cross spoiling all the principalities.

2 Colossians 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

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