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Two Weeks of Worth! Theism and Value w/Ben Watkins

1 year ago

Faith Unaltered exist to engage the culture and its various worldviews, especially those within Christianity that involve issues surrounding theology and the universal body of believers at large! Also, we aim to equip the secular world with the truth and to help believers discern biblical truth, all the while reaching the masses with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, promoting healthy discipleship within the cultural milieu.

At the end of the day, you choose!

RSM Blog = https://realseekerministries.wordpress.com/2023/06/17/faith-unaltered-shows-june-16th-2023-to-end-of-2023/

YouTube Video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua1FL3KUJRc

Audio Only Link = https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/real-seeker-ministries/episodes/Two-Weeks-of-Worth--Theism-and-Value-wBen-Watkins-e26nru2

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