Nicole: The agenda of climate change is a smokescreen for the CCP

1 year ago

07/08/2023 Nicole on Wayne Dupree Show: China is the world’s biggest polluter with high cancer incidence and suicidal rate so it is ridiculous to work with the CCP on climate change. In fact, the agenda on the global challenge of climate change is not about protecting the environment but a smokescreen for the CCP and the globalists’ ambition to establish a new world order and global governance.
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07/08/2023 妮可作客《 Wayne Dupree Show》节目:中共国是世界上最大的污染国,有着超高的癌症发病率和自杀率,所以与中共合作应对气候变化是荒谬的。事实上,气候变化全球挑战议题与保护环境无关,而是中共和全球主义者的幌子,用以掩盖他们要建立世界新秩序和全球治理的野心。
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