This Saint News 7/9/2023

11 months ago

Stay up on game! Real news. Real sources. It’s the stuff they really don’t want you to see.
Peace and good fortune to you all!

If you would like to buy me a cup of coffee

This week:
We’ll check in on the agenda… seems to be moving full steam ahead if you ask me. Then I’ll go through some headlines, always good. We’re gonna touch on human trafficking and then touch on tik tok after that. You don’t wanna miss it. I got a few more top stories for you, and as usual, we’ll end up with the fun stuff.

1884 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1310 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

Acute Psychosis After Immunization With Whole-Virion Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine; A Case Report From Central India

CDC Reports confirm .6 Million American Children & Young Adults have died since the FDA approved the COVID-19 Vaccine

Rothchild's Friend's Mural Under Eiffel Tower

"this is BEYOND your wildest imagination" with Joe Rogan

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