The CCP doesn’t Represent the Chinese people as the People have no Voting Right

1 year ago

07/08/2023 Nicole on Wayne Dupree Show: The CCP doesn’t represent the Chinese people, as the people don’t have the voting right, or the right to own guns. Even a kitchen knife needs to be registered and chained to ensure the people won’t use it for self-defense, or overthrow the illegal dictatorship in Communist China. So Miles Guo started the New Federal State of China on June 4, 2020, to fight against tyranny for individual liberty.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
07/08/2023 妮可作客《 Wayne Dupree Show》节目:中国人民没有选举权,没有拥枪权,中共政府不能代表中国人民。在中共国,即使一把菜刀也需进行登记并用链子锁住,确保老百姓不能用刀进行自卫或推翻中共非法独裁政权。郭文贵于2020年6月4日成立了新中国联邦,为了自由而与暴政作斗争。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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