Sound Of Problem, Reaction, Solution

1 year ago

Let's Just Skip The Emotional Rollercoaster Ride, And Go Straight To The Solution. Have You Figured Out Where The Chess Moves Lead ?! This Movie "Shines a Spotlight" On A Topic EVERYONE Has Already Been Talking About. Yeah, A Hollywood Spotlight. Don't Act Like It Is Some Ground Breaking Revelatory Masterpiece. It Isn't. It's Shaping A Narrative, Taking Control Of The Information Of That Narrative, That Of Which, We Tin Foil Hats Been Talking About For a Decade or Longer. It's Not New, And It's Not Showing The Real Story. This Movie Was a Side Adventure Compared to The True Scope Of The Issue and The Real Culprits Are Not Some Shady Dirty Faces In Back Ally's. It's Your Own Institutions, Agencies and Elites. It's Citizens Of Your Own Communities. And It's Done Right Out In Open Daylight. Hell Joe Biden Gropes Kids On The National Stage In Front Of The National Press and Everyone To See. The New Ishtar Groomers Are Grooming Your Kids In the Schools and On The Streets. The Pride Before The Fall. Open Your Eyes People !
They Are Gonna Bring You A Solution to This Problem. Their Solution, Which Is Not A Solution, Just Institutionalization Of The Problem. Ever Seen the Movie Code 45, or Gattica, or Minority Report ? You Starting To Get a Picture Yet ?! In The Name Of Safety You Will Be Given The Solution,.. As Always.
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