4.1 Stories of healing - Possession, and deadly illnesses- Harrie Vernette Rhodes

11 months ago

Hear about Harrie's most spectacular cases of healing. (Timestamps below.) It is so long I needed to split it into two episodes. As with today, the people willing to engage a healer are often extreme cases who were written off by mainstream doctors. After that word gets out ... that chapter comes later. One of her early cases involved a trip to visit a person who had been in a mental asylum for 16 years for what was called obsession, now multiple personality disorder, where Harrie also encountered what sounds like possession. After several months of treatments, the woman was able to go home and resume a normal life.

Another story shows the difficulties in accepting the responsibilities of healing, a chance encounter on a train where her guides told "Don't look away, heal the woman" of a malignant cancer. Along with Harrie's attempts to come to terms with this new gift and trying to understand why it works.

This autobiography of Harrie Vernette Rhodes, "In The One Spirit" was written about my great-grandmother so it has always been a curiosity in the family. Was it possible that she could do the many things that are talked about in later chapters. The magical parts, the healing and her many experiences talking with the spiritual realm are told in the same matter of fact way that she tells of riding in the horse drawn wagon with her father to deliver medicines to people.

What if you had an usual story like this in your family history? Few of the incredible family stories make it into a book that brings the events and most importantly the context to life. The most interesting part to me is that she believes that everyone can learn to see and do incredible (as in unbelievable) things if they put aside some of the concepts of modern views of reality. I am amazed at how many of the things she says are highly relevant today as a way to reduce stress in your life among other things. More on this as we get deeper into her story.

The co-author Margueritte Harmon Bro brought the first viral attention to the American seer Edgar Cayce, "Miracle Man of Virginia Beach," published in the magazine Coronet in 1943. After that, she heard many stories of physics ad healers. Despite this, the author found only two people interesting enough to write about - Edgar Cayce and Harrie Vernette Rhodes. This autobiography of great-grandmother was book published in 1951.

4.1 timestamps
00:08:16 Susie, at the asylum with multiple personality disorder
00:16:28 Introduction to healing
00:18:24 Healing back pain lasting weeks, that the doctors could not cure.
00:19:38 Should I have done things differently? Thoughts on traditional studies.
00:20:33 What the tall Yogi said on the matter
00:21:47 Dorothy, with birth defects, can now walk
00:22:25 How the patient participates in healing
00:23:18 Thoughts on how locations matter, and state of mind
00:23:45 Harrie amazed at the process and how many people come. One healing… leads to over a hundred coming to see her
00:24:19 A vignette of life in the 1920’s living in Minneapolis with family and helping blind Claudina build a life.
00:25:55 Healing cancer on a random train ride.
00:27:52 Gadding about at night – A patient (and her husband) report distance healing while Harrie was at home asleep.

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