10 Secrets about Money You Don't Learn in School

1 year ago

Have you ever wondered why schools don't teach you how to get rich?
People are kept poor and average by the way schools are set up. They were never made so that you could get rich and live a happy life. They were meant to make you work, obey orders and never dream big.

And if you want to change that programming, you'd better watch the whole video, because no one is coming to save you. Welcome to Financer your place for business, finance and wealth creation knowledge and today we give present you: 10 things about money that you won't learn in school.

Money gets worth less over time.

Money is important because it can be used to buy and sell things, as a unit of account, and most importantly, as a place to store value. Let's say a few words about each of these.

So, medium exchange means that money needs to be fluid and easy to trade for things and services. The unit of account helps people figure out how much something costs in relation to something else. But why would people accept bills instead of, say, seashells as payment for goods and services? Well, because of the third attribute, money must also be a good source of value. This means that it keeps its value over time, so you can save it and spend it later.

And we all know that the third attribute isn't really there anymore, which is why inflation is so high. So, if you bought a dozen eggs for $2.86 in 2022, you're actually paying $3.27 in 2023. a rise of 14%.

But that doesn't solve the problem of where to keep your money.
Do you feel the impact of inflation in your daily life? Let us know in the comments below.
So, saving money for retirement used to be a good idea, but now it will only make you poor. This makes it easy to move on to the next point.

Saving makes you poor.

Okay, money is a tool. It's not a prize if all you do with it is save it in a bank account. You're treating it like a pretty thing to look at from a distance when it should be on the field helping your team score points.

Please let us explain. So, yes, when you save, you keep your money and maybe even make a little bit of money from the bank. But it's not nearly enough to keep up with inflation, which makes your money worth less and less every year.

In an age of paper money, on the other hand, wealth is made through investing. And if you get this, you'll be ahead of the people who still don't get it. Most people put their money into stocks, bonds, and real estate.

The goal is to grow, and the plan is to be patient and take measured risks. Compound interest is what really seals the deal here. When you spend, your money can earn interest, and that interest can also earn interest, and so on.

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