Live Chat with Paul; -141- Beyond Skinwalker Cash-Trash + Drone Hoax-Prank+Best UFO is Internal lens

11 months ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #alien #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! More Fake UFOs that UFO twitter clowns keep promoting without
real analysis + Best UFO filmed from Plane over Mexico is BUNK + USA has spy Balloons
like China LOL + New Show Beyond Skinwalker Review and MORE!
[00:02:00] (1c) Various bits - Podcasts not real time all audio only except spotify
+ A new whistleblower still second hand info to come out today but wont cover
him + audio mixer voicemeter etc
[00:07:23] (1d) Paul talks about a new Problem with his big tripod camera and
bad weather ruining sky watching kick off but camera goes offline while
Paul does a quick test this live and gets it back up - will play next sunny day to fix
[00:20:33] (2) Main Topic Begins - The so called BEST UFO footage of 1971 - Costa Riccan
mapping Re-Cap and additional Info since its doing the rounds again cos of
proof is Out There show!
[00:25:00] (2b) First Paul fixes Zoom on mouse then reads out Secureteams post on Fade2Black which was total lies in what he said. .they guy has no guilt
[00:26:00] (2c) Resume for Main Topic Best UFO caught on film. Another Jacque Vallae FAIL!
[01:00:00] (3) A UFO Twitter Sky Watcher claiming he filmed HD of a UFO flying around
him investigated, researched and analyzed Live!
[01:12:00] (3b) Reading out his main comment on latest July 2023 video
and Paul makes comment to each paragraph
[01:16:53] (2c) Paul begins to play his video and zoom and enhance it to
make comment on (Red Flags Paul spots with it!)
[01:28:40] (2d) Zooming in and Stepping best can on Twitter Video
[01:32:00] (2e) Wheres each Camera it was captured on and Is the light setting Sun
or FULL moon?
[01:37:25] (2f) Paul shows the best frame from each camera that was used to pattern
match against Drones and he found exact match!
[01:38:26] (2h) Paul sketches out what he sees 2D in rought 3d perspective
[01:43:00] (3) Paul shows all the drone videos shaped like Spheres from 2011 onwards
and some other interesting Drones he found like Manta-ray
[01:51:00] (3b) Sphere drone that projects a image on a LED virtual skin!
[01:55:00] (3c) Could this be what 2004 Tic Tac was.. with hologram/LED skin
Paul explains more and draws its.
[02:00:14] (4) Finally, ducted dual FAN Sphere Drone designs and one matches
the object in the Ranger video!
[02:29:13] (5) The Twitter Troll who was total believer and promoting pseudo-science
and theories just would not listen to stuff I showed him to educate him and see
he was wrong calling it a legit alien ORB. The motion blur double image with LED
flash was hilarious!
[02:49:47] (6) Rangers other videos are so bad and hoaxy to Paul as explains
[02:47:00] (6b) as Bad as Dorothy Izatt faked long exposures with movement
[03:01:37] (7) Low sugar level Diabetic Paul heads of for a sweet treat and toilet break
[03:05:00] (7b) Paul is back munching and resumes where left off
[03:06:00] (8) Debunking the ORB Alien craft changing shapes from Troll. Paul
searching for possible match to overlay think some type of Balloon like silver Heart
[03:17:40] (9) Paul now uses tools to rotate and match images
[03:23:23] (10) Paul matches it 99 percent to a similar A shaped Letter Mylar Balloon!
[03:42:00] (11) Paul checks his camera and finds perfect Spheres on one of the cams
Dome fisheye and uses it as example to Mogul Corbell ORB
[03:44:54] (12) America also have Sphere Spy Balloon Drones! like China Hypocrites!
[03:52:40] (13) Beyond Skinwalker Ranch NEW SHOW Reviewing Episode 4 findings!

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

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*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
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ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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