Let’s be weird. We love this guy 😍

11 months ago

Proud parent post!!!

From an early age, he has always followed his own path, refusing to conform and be boxed up. His free spirit has led him on a remarkable journey.

In a world where conformity often reigns, James’ unwavering dedication to the cause of bee conservation is truly inspiring.

His commitment to the bees is a testament to his unique character. While others may shy away from unconventional paths, he embraces them wholeheartedly. We stand in awe of his unwavering determination and the positive impact he is making.

It fills our hearts with joy to witness James’ passion and the positive change he is bringing about. His ability to stand up for what he believes in is truly remarkable. We are grateful for the lessons he teaches us and many others every day.

Keep spreading your wings my boy and never stop being the unique and extraordinary person you are! 🐝

Love you 💛
Mum and Dad

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