Introducing the Great Revolution of Modern Physics

1 year ago

This is an introduction to the Singular Numerical Relativity, a Completion of the theory of Relativity which will revolutionize Modern Physics in an unprecedented way. Being a 100% theory of Information, the SNR comes to solve all the problems posed by General Relativity and Quantum Physics.

The theory is founded on an observation that started when I was 5 years old: "Building a house with bricks". I realized that The Value of a Brick on a house wall depends on its location (Row). Considering the Numerical Values attributed to the bricks, I found out that Numbers were relative. To my surprise, I came to notice that Numbers had a structure, some particular properties and characteristics which allowed them to function like little springs producing the energy that runs the Universe.

Numbers are subject to 5 physical operations in addition to the 4 fundamental operations that we know. Then, they can be accelerated, decelerated, expanded, projected and exploded by obeying the Square Law which happen to be a fundamental law related to Gravity and the standard motion known as the Freed Fall.

Consequently, it became clear that the mechanics of Numbers described Gravity without fail as measured by Galileo long ago, Distance = Time*2. the whole description of Quantum Gravity should be base on the Free Fall Motion.

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