War, low vibrational fearful herd mentality. War on everything from bacteria to the Universe.

1 year ago


War/low vibrational fearful mentality is psychopathic, hence they are at war with everything from a microbe to the universe, Sun, climate, each other...

These creatures fear life itself, they fear and fight constantly, in their deranged, twisted brains everything and everyone is a danger.
Psychopaths are unable to accurately evaluate the future consequences of their actions, they have reduced gray matter in the paralimbic system of the brain.

All nations have differences, which are just innocent varieties, but also one thing in common, they are run by the psychopaths who parasite on people's minds, livelihood, and labour.

If we want a different world and we are tired of them repeating the same record for another millennium war/pandemic/ozone holes/war/pandemic/climate change/war/pandemic/aliens/another threat from the universe...
We should identify this destructive, deceitful, aggressive aka fearful energy and vote for mentally healthy people.

Honest people ask "check me", liars demand trust. Honest people empower you, liars play "savers"

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