To See Through a Deception You Must Be a Conspiracy Theorist

1 year ago

The destiny of all humans is to become Gods like Jehovah and like Jesus Christ, because we are direct sons of God, made by him in his image and like begets like in all of his creation.

The path to divinity involves devloping better and better moral judgement until you have the judgement of a God. When you know precisely where every moral boundary is and when you learn how to push it right to that boundayr but not across it, then you become divine.

The way to develop that judgement is to entertain every possibly conspiract theory about what is behind a bunch of people's actions, about why they are lying, about what they are covering up, and how their deception is working, about what the truht really is and then judge which conspiracy theory is correct and which conspiracy theory is crap.

If you fail to do that you will never see through any deception.

The media today attempt to label all conspiracy theorists as deranged lunatics. They are doing this for two reasons. The first is to stop you progressing to divinity. The second is to sell you a bunch of deceptions and prevent you seeing through them.

Demonising conspiracy theorists traps us all in deception with no way of seeing through it.

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