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Hateful Nerds Need Love, Too

1 year ago

The Supreme Court has weighed in: Affirmative Action is out. It’s too late for Sarah to claim her rightful place in the ivy league but maybe another future tradwife can be saved from the humiliation of a state school education. (We kid, of course! We don’t believe in the value of college. Or, for that matter, any education!) Still, we have many highly educated opinions.

Next up: Are young homely men the Real Victims of society? Can they be lifted out of sexual poverty? The girls/women discuss a recent Tablet article, “Unfuckable Hate Nerds,” which posits that in the game of life, young women have always had an advantage and young men are losing more than ever before.

And in the BONUS segment for members only, we discuss the most urgent question of our time, at least according to Twitter: Are women uglier at 25 than 35? (Yes, that is the question.) The answer may surprise you! But it probably won’t.

Subscribe to https://aspecialplace.substack.com/ to listen in and get access to our smart and thoughtful substack community.


Americans' Support for Affirmative Action Programs Rises

New Yorker: Why the Champions of Affirmative Action Had to Leave Asian Americans Behind

McWhorter: On Race and Academia

Deresiewicz: Unfuckable Hate Nerds

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#AffirmativeAction #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #Racism #RacialPreferences #feminism #MGTOW

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