Just The Tip #13 - Single Moms (Part 1)

1 year ago

Probably a 3-apart segment but made 2. ❤️

Kelz once dated a 39 year old Mestiza Filipino accountant when he was 22 and she warned him about the dangers of single mothers. At the time he didn’t understand but she was explaining the circumstances that could arise by doing so.

There are dangerous variables in western society for men to elope or become engage with a single mother that could in return, make him feel very emasculated.

This is also not to mention, if she decides to leave you, you could be liable in some cases for child support for a child that is not yours, alimony and ripping the connection you built with that child.🥹🙏🏾

Tune in for Part 2 for advice for single mothers looking to date and how to combat men’s fear and reservation around him bringing provisioning to the table and you potentially dumping a bunch of LUGGAGE on it.😬😂🙅🏾‍♂️

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