Our Biggest Video Game Hunting Win Ever? 200+ Games! NES | XBOX | MORE

1 year ago

To be able to play games, you need to find them. Sometimes that's easier said than done, especially if you have great stores in your area, swap meets, or conventions. Well, my area is normally pretty dry when it comes to finding games at rummage sales, but my wife sent me a link this morning to a local rummage sale SPECIFICALLY calling out nerds and video game fans. Ok, this had my attention. It happened to be just about 5 minutes from the office I work at, so I decided to check it out over my lunch hour.

And it didn't start until 3. Rats. Ok, point taken, I needed to come back after work.

When I got there, I was greeted with a "Gary Katzer!". This was a shock as, while I have a decent following I don't get recognized in the wild. Then I realized who it was, a former co-worker who I hadn't seen in about 18-months! This was his rummage, with is wife, and they had boxes and totes of games for sale. Now, I knew his stuff would be decent, but there was a ton of filler here. Filler isn't terrible, most games were in the $6-$10 range and he was only asking $3 for most. He also had some Xboxes, a Wii U without a Gamepad, and several Wiis in various states of disassembly and need of repair. A few games caught my eye, Sonic 2 for the Sega Game Gear, TMNT for the Wii, and Crimson Skies for the original Xbox. I was going to shoot him an offer for just these, but then I saw he was selling an NES as well. OK, the plot thickened.

The other thing in the back of my mind was the fact that I am going to be selling at 2 conventions the next 2 weekends. If I could get a good enough price could I get just one of the totes of games? I asked what his best price would be for 1 tote and the NES, and he shot me a really good price so I took it. We shook hands, I paid him and I was on my way. Until..

There was still 1 tote of games, what would it take to clear him out? So I stopped as I was leaving the driveway, turned around and asked what his best number on the rest was. I happened to have a box for an N64 in my car he had seen and taken a liking too, and he wound up trading me the box for the rest of the games!

This was a tremendous haul and I am thankful for the awesome deal, as this was one of it not Our Biggest Video Game Hunting Win Ever.

#GameHunting #VideoGames #Nintendo #Xbox #PlayStation

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