33 Luke 9:18-27 (Cost of discipleship I)

1 year ago

I. Review/Background
II. Narrative
John 6:47,51,66,15
1. The Messiah revealed (9:18-20)
Matthew 16:17
2. Jesus foretells of His death (9:21-22)
3. Cost of discipleship (9:23-27)
III. How should we then live?
1. The deceit of easy believe-ism
2. Salvation without full understanding
3. The cost of discipleship
a. Christians and would-be-Christians must count the cost.
Luke 14:28-31
John 6:67
b. Jesus calls us to five things
• Recognize Jesus as the Messiah (9:20)
• Deny ourselves (9:23)
• Take up our cross daily & be willing to lose your life (9:23-25)
1 Corinthians 15:31
• Follow Him (9:23)
• Do not be ashamed of Jesus and the Gospel (9:26)
Romans 1:16
c. Benefits of following Jesus
• Gain life (9:24)
• Experience the kingdom of God (9:27)

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