Russian mobilized men complaining of being treated like cannon fodder.

1 year ago

Yet another video appeared of Russian mobilized men complaining of being treated like cannon fodder.

They are waiting for the tsar to intervene.

Mobilized men from Ussuriysk (military unit 712869) reported that after the beginning of the counterattack by the Ukrainian armed forces, they were sent to the village of Kleshcheyevka near Bakhmut, where heavy fighting is now taking place.

According to them, the servicemen were fraudulently led to the front line, where they spent 15 days under mortar fire with no opportunity to take cover, no air or artillery support, and no working communications.

On July 2 they were ordered to retreat: "There was no evacuation of the people, so we had to withdraw on our own. We passed more than 30 kilometers, and in the process of retreating we were hit by the enemy with cluster munitions. As a result, our losses increased.
Now they are trying to send them to Kleshcheyevka again to hold their positions. According to them, the command of the military unit is forcing them to "become volunteers," and is threatening to disband the battalion and send them to " penalty units like the Storm or Z unit, where convicts are fighting.

"We ask you to take us to the territory of the Russian Federation for an investigation into the fact that an unlawful order was given for our actual extermination," they said.

A relative of one of the mobilized told the Russian Telegram channel ASTRA that out of 20 people, four conscientious objectors had already been taken to the pre-trial detention center in Luhansk. It was done, they said, by someone called Colonel Volkov. "There, they said, they will wait for higher authority," she said.

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