The US is facing the CCP threats on so many fronts, whether it is financially, currency, or military

1 year ago

07/06/2023 Nicole on The Wayne Dupree Podcast: The US is facing the CCP threats on so many fronts, whether it is financially, currency, or military. The CCP has been trying to internationalize its currency. They even want to claim currency dominancy and replace the dollar dominancy. Plus, the CCP's secret police station in lower Manhattan and the CCP spy balloon over the American sky.
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07/06/2023 妮可参加《韦恩·杜普里播客》:无论是在金融、货币方面还是军事上,美国在很多方面都面临着中共的威胁。中共一直试图国际化人民币,甚至希望宣称货币主导权,取代美元的主导地位。中共在拉美进行军事扩张,在曼哈顿下城设立秘密警察站,还用其间谍气球对美国人进行监视。
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