Purching China product is supporting the CCP regime to enslave Chinese people

1 year ago

07/06/2023 Nicole on The Wayne Dupree Podcast: Chinese manufacturing workers are living in an abusive work environment, where they are forced to work overtime and get paid like dirt. When American people buy products that were made in China, they are supporting the CCP regime to enslave the Chinese people. This is an economic model, which is based on the slavery of the Chinese people.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
07/06/2023 妮可参加《韦恩·杜普里播客》:中国制造业工人生活在受虐待的工作环境,他们被迫超时工作,但却仅得到微薄的报酬。当美国人民购买中国制造的商品时,他们就是在支持中共奴役中国人民。这是一个建立在奴役中国人民基础上的经济模式。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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