World Tower Energy Vlog

1 year ago

World Tower Energy Vlog Title is from the date July 7, 2023, thus we have #21 The World or Universe card Successful Completion reaping rewards. The Tower card came from the amplitude highest power today at 79, thus #16 the Tower Card a lfalling away of what no longer serves us.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us four amplitudes the first was an amplitude of 30 the Empress card she is the divine female, a Earth Mother, she is grace and sovereign too. the next was our 79 or #16 The Tower card. Then we had an amplitude of 43, thus we have #7 the Chariot swiftly moving toward the path we are guided to. The last amplitude was a power of 33, the master number for the master Teacher think Yeshua Buddha or Krishna. It is also #6 The Lovers card caoling us to harmony lo0ve and intuition. The quality powwer was 12.20, thus we have the Hierophant card, this is structure or dagma a spiritual messenger in it highest aspect. The frequency average comes to 7.70 thus we have #14 the Temperance card, let us be balanced and measured in our approach. When we take it all in we have the World takes in a Tower moment that the Hierophant warned of in his spiritual message delivered in Temperance.

The Space Weather news site showed us another class C CME along with a solar wind density was up to ten protons per whatever. The winds speed was up to 470 (KPS) the Temperature of that wind was 100,000 Kelvin. The KP index of geomagnetic activity started with an average of 3, for the first three hours. it then went to level 2.80 then 3.25, followed by 4 taking us fully into the yellow zone for three hours before we calm down back into the Green zone with a 3 followed by a 2.33 . Then we went yellow again with a 3.75 and then to finish with a three.

We pulled some card for the Tower card in today's Energy Vlog. They were the Hierophant in the past position thus the addstructure . The querent was the two of Swords opposed by the three of wands with the Sun card to mitgate the wo. In the future row we started with the four of pentacles opposed by the nine of pentacle with the Hanged man in between the clarifier card was the Ace of Pentacles Which indicates to me the tower card signifies a collapse of the financial system though they are suspending telling us about it!
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather news Site:

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