No Essential Difference Between Trump and Biden

1 year ago

This is a video which compares Trump and Biden across 33 issues which, when critically reflected upon, seem to indicate that there are no essential differences between the two individuals when considered in terms of the metric of sovereignty. They each speak, in their own way, about the ideas of "freedom", "rights", "democracy", "justice", and so on, but, when one examines the things that they do, or don't do, then, whatever differences exist between the two individuals tend to be superficial in character – that is differences based on style, taste, and personality rather than being a function of essential, substantive, guiding principles. As indigenous people might say, the two aforementioned men seem to speak with forked tongues. In other words, they both are committed to speaking about political and economic ideologies rather than being committed to the principles of republicanism – the kind of principles to which Presidents (as well as members of Congress and the Judiciary) should be committed and the sorts of principles that are being guaranteed in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. Nothing in the Constitution will work unless it is engaged through the qualities at the heart of republicanism, which is a moral philosophy that arose during the Enlightenment, and, consequently, emerged at a time that was not all that long before the transition took place which transformed people, states, and colonies into a country. Republicanism is not a political ideology but, rather, it gives expression to a way of treating people as human beings who matter – both individually and collectively -- rather than serving as a set of political techniques for treating people – both individually and collectively -- as political pawns who are to be manipulated into serving the vested interests of the overlords who are seeking to control money, resources, property, and the live of people. Furthermore, the apparent absence of the principles of republicanism in the actions and lives of Trump and Biden go a long way to explaining why both of their presidencies (along with virtually any other president one might wish to cite) were, and are, disasters for "We the People."

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