Mark Dice Demonstrates Proper Culture Jamming Technique

11 months ago

No one compares to Mark Dice’s Style. Alex Stein misses the key ingredient and thats ‘nuance’. Steins antics make it easier for him to be spotted as a performer…so the impact of the ‘protest’ wanes.

The object is to hold a mirror to the tainted culture so that they finally see themself. Stein breaks the illusion when he gets too daffy. He does not look like them; he looks like a loon and loons get mentally dismissed as un-credible. The tainted culture dissociates themself from the mirror.

When it comes to buffoonery and lampoonery, Stein nails it, though. I mean that in a complementary way. It’s equally important in the playbook of guerrilla civil disobedience.

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