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Pastor Reacts to John MacArthur | "How do I know that I am saved?"
Do we believe John MacArthur when he says "The way you know that you are saved is by your desire?" !!! This video is not to degrade the man, but we desire to point out the error in the teaching !!!
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
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#johnmacarthur #bibleline #howtobesaved #knowimsaved #gracetoyou #calvinism #genuinefaith #desire #desiringgod #lordshipsalvation #lordship #macarthur #pastorreact
do you desire to know God
of course she's going to say yes listen
to her voice break
yes she already knows that
here at this conference at this forum or
whatever she desires God but she doesn't
know that she's saved
hey welcome back to Bible line I'm your
host Pastor Jesse Martinez today we're
in another Pastor reacts video
today we're looking at good old jmac
that's what people in the comments
section call him that are all pro-jump
MacArthur but we're going to look at a
video that I have posted on our channel
before but it's one of those videos that
I saw it months ago and it really just
struck me it
honestly moved me the first time I
watched it because you see
somebody who is very evidently unsure
that they're saved they ask a very
simple set of questions
that deserve simple answers and John
McArthur's response is pointing her back
to herself
you need to watch out for this kind of
I've said when we did the Mike Winger
reacts video a couple of weeks ago I
said and I still hold this my desire is
not to be inflammatory or disruptive but
I will not sit down
when there's an opportunity to stand for
the truth and that's what we're going to
do and I know that a lot of people are
caught up in this calvinistic teaching
how do I know that I'm chosen how do I
know that I'm a part of the elect and
they're always told to look back on
their works
we're going to see in first John chapter
5 starting around verse number 10
through verse 13. how we can know that
we have eternal life and then I want you
to see what is said of these men here
because they're saying something
different and you the viewer you need to
be aware of this because it's not it's
not a game and so many of you know this
it's not a game you have a hard time
sleeping at night you have a hard time
having any peace and joy you continue to
look at yourself for your eternal life
that is not God's plan for his children
he wants us to have Assurance of eternal
but this calvinist teaching it robs
people and you're going to see these
this this young woman just get totally
robbed and I don't I have no idea how it
ends I know there's a seven minute and
ten second version of this but I think
that this short clip really captures it
all together but before we look at the
clip I just want to read you these
verses let them stand for themselves and
then we'll play the clip first John
chapter 5 and verse 10 he that believeth
on the sun hath the witness in himself
he that believeth not God hath made him
a liar because he believeth not the
record that God gave of his son and this
is the record that God hath given to us
eternal life and this life is in his son
he that hath the son hath life and he
that hath not the Son of God hath not
life these things have I written unto
you that believe on the name of the son
of God that ye may know that ye have
eternal life and that you may believe on
the name of the son of God
so that's
the record that he has said
if you have life you've believed on his
if you do not have life you have not
believed on his son and you are calling
him a liar simple
so here's this young lady she asks a
series of questions to John McArthur
note the difference in the response
should I be taking communion if I am not
sure if I'm safe if I am not chosen
would I even care about being saved
really good questions Joy I can I can
hear the Cry of your heart Joy I I want
to make it as simple as I can
he wants to make it as simple as he can
she has some very simple questions
number one should I be taking communion
if I don't know that I'm chosen
now I'm inferring this here she probably
means am I chosen as one of God's elect
to be saved
and we've covered Calvinism at length on
this channel so go back and look I'm
pretty sure we have a playlist where you
can see all of our Calvinism content
but the elect is Christ and you're found
in him by placing your faith in him so
if you want to know that you're chosen
ask yourself if you've believed on Jesus
Christ for eternal life if you have
you're chosen now you should not be
taking communion if you're not saved
there's punishment that comes from that
in First Corinthians 11 details all of
that but she's struggling with Assurance
she knows the promises it seems to those
who take communion unworthily she
doesn't want to experience those
consequences so she wants to know if
she's saved
MacArthur recognizes she can he can hear
the struggle he wants to be simple so
let's see what he says is simple
um the fact that you are asking these
questions is evidence of the work of God
in your heart
so I want you to see what he says there
the fact that you are asking these
questions is evidence that God is
working in your heart who does that
point back to
does it point back to Jesus Christ and
the word of God
or does it point back to the individual
it points back to the individual and we
know she's already struggling with that
because she says how do I know that I'm
chosen so if she's looking at herself
she's walking into this question unaware
of of how she knows she's going to
heaven of how she's chosen
so MacArthur says I want to be as simple
as I can look back to yourself oh the
very fact that you're asking these
questions is proof that you're really
saved now he doesn't say really save but
that's what he's concluding
let's continue
so that's the first condition well
you're asking these questions you know
Heathen wouldn't ask these questions
what must I do to be saved
I mean the Philippian Jailer was not
saved then
but he was asking a question he wanted
to get saved
the way you know that you are saved is
by your desire
and this is the record that God hath
given to us eternal life and this life
is in his son and he that hath the son
hath life and he that hath not the Son
of God hath not life these things have I
written unto you that believe on the
name of the son of God that ye may know
that ye have eternal life
MacArthur says the way that you know
that you are saved is by your desire
let's continue
do you desire to know God so this is now
the third thing
that he has told her number one the fact
that you're asking these questions is
number two
the you you know that you're saved by
your desire
and now he's going to go into a a
barrage of conditions the first one do
you desire to know God which is really
the third one
yes of course she's gonna say yes listen
to her voice break
yes she already knows that she's here at
this conference at this forum or
whatever she desires God but she doesn't
know that she's saved she sees the
so it's I don't understand why he's
asking that question
so she says yes three conditions now do
you desire do you desire that he would
know you and love you five now do you
desire God do you desire that he would
know you desire that he would love you
listen to her again
yes yep do you desire to love him six
yes do you desire to honor him seven yes
do you desire to obey his word I do but
I it I can't do it on my own strength
well of course not join the club
that to me is like
you're gonna I I I cut it because I
don't want it to go to whatever the next
video is
but that to me all right excuse me uh
after the cut there's a bunch of people
that laugh it's like yeah oh we all
don't we all desire it you know don't we
uh all have this desire to know God and
obey his word and all this stuff to
prove that we're saved and he says well
of course not join the club and she
could because she knows within herself
there is this battle going on
she desires to know God to obey his word
to be known by him but she can't do it
on her own strength
the Bible talks about this in Galatians
chapter 5. starting in verse 17 for the
flesh lusteth against the spirit and the
spirit against the Flesh and these are
contrary the one to the other so that
you cannot do the things that you would
so this this is talking about the truth
of the two Natures in which Joy
the sad reality is if she hasn't put her
trust in Christ she only has that flesh
she doesn't have the spirit she doesn't
have the Holy Spirit she doesn't have
the new birth no matter how much she
desires to be known of God the only way
that she can be known and recognized as
his child is by faith in Jesus Christ
and in him alone
and MacArthur totally he takes eight
swings at this and he misses the ball
it's just a total strikeout and it's sad
because what happens is
everybody laughs it off at the end of
the clip
but this poor girl she probably walks
out of that conference with a little bit
of assurance but the next day as soon as
her flesh rears back up
and she is who she is who's she's a a
with no ability to save herself looking
to herself to be saved she has no
that's why I just say the Simplicity of
John chapter first John chapter 5. if
you have believed these things right
have I written unto you that believe on
the name of the son of God so that's the
you believe that ye may know that ye
have eternal life
okay so if I was MacArthur in that
moment I would Point her to First John 5
and there's many other passages but I
would point that young girl to First
John 5 13 because it's so very simple
and clear Joy have you believed that the
death-brown resurrection of Jesus Christ
is sufficient to pay for your sins if
she says yes then I with 100 confidence
and assurance that God says to her
then the God says you have eternal life
and it's it's put to bed
and you can show her places like John
chapter 10 in verse 28. which says and I
give unto them eternal life and they
shall never perish neither shall any man
pluck them out of my hand you can go to
other places like John chapter 5 in
verse 24 where it says
and believeth on him that sent me hath
everlasting life and shall not come into
condemnation but is passed from Death
unto life
these are straight promises and
you believe you receive it's done
salvation is finished
but when we have people like this
with their big budgets and big
Ministries and big influence they are
leading people to look to themselves and
it keeps them from either this young
girl is either being kept from trusting
in Jesus Christ alone or she's already
been saved and she cannot have victory
in her Christian Life
there's no way this young lady is going
to have any confidence to share the
gospel with anybody else if she is saved
let's just assume that she trusted
Christ years ago and got caught up in
killer Calvinism
she gonna have any confidence to share
the gospel with anybody else no not at
and it's a shame and I'm not going to
sit down with stuff like this
I'm so glad I didn't get caught into
this there's so much appeal especially
for young men with this kind of teaching
oh the intellectualism of Calvinism it's
like oh we're all puffing our cigars
like Charles Spurgeon out here and just
well we're such deep thinkers of God
the wisdom of man is going to be put to
shame by the foolishness of God which is
how God which is how a man looks at the
wisdom of God
the Jews look for a sign the Greeks look
for knowledge
be careful be careful be careful be
careful let the word speak clearly and
plainly and if and if you're a joy you
know if you're joy and you're watching
this I want you to know for sure that
you have eternal life you put your faith
you trust in the death burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ alone you
receive the free gift of everlasting
your salvation's finished and you're
going to struggle with your flesh as do
I as does every Christian read Romans 7
about all that
but you don't have to worry and wrestle
with am I saved
you put your faith in Jesus Christ the
Bible says you believe you're a child of
that'll be it for today share this video
share it far and wide leave a comment if
you're the person that's like that's me
I was Joy I was like that and this is
how I came to the truth leave it in the
comments section and to all the calvies
out there I know you're watching yeah I
know I'm coining that term Trent's
laughing behind the camera calves man
all you calvinist proponents out there
leave a comment too
but I want to ask you do you know you're
saved because the word of God or because
of your works
let's have a real conversation down
but make sure you keep it right here on
Bible line keep looking up because Jesus
Christ is coming soon we'll see you next
time God bless if you enjoyed today's
episode of Bible line make sure to
subscribe to the channel and share this
video with a friend do you have a Bible
question send us an email questions at and we'll do our
best to get you an answer or you can
leave your question in the comments of
this video be sure to check the links in
the description for more clear Bible
teaching Bible in is a Ministry of
Calgary Community church located in
Tampa Florida
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