Latest Pie In The Sky Promises For Ukraine - UK Column News

11 months ago

- Luke Harding on Twitter: The situation at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station (false flag alert)
- FT: Military briefing: Ukraine provides ideal ‘testing ground’ for western weaponry
- CNN “exclusive”: Zelensky says he wanted counteroffensive to start ‘much earlier’ to pre-empt Russian defenses 
- The Hill (2022): Zelensky calls for ‘preventive action’ to deter Russian nuclear strikes
- New York Times: Biden Weighs Giving Ukraine Weapons Banned by Many U.S. Allies
- TNT Radio: The Patrick Henningsen Show
- European Council on Foreign Relations: A summit of substance: How NATO can prove itself in Vilnius
- NATO: North Atlantic Council extends mandate of the NATO Secretary General

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