Tucker Says, “God Bless” Donald Trump: “He’s Right [on Ukraine], and Everyone in Washington Is Wrong”

1 year ago

“I think we’re going to see Trump’s [political] emergence as the most significant thing to happen in American politics in 100 years,” expressed @TuckerCarlson, “because he reoriented the Republican Party against the wishes of Republican leaders.”

“I’m struck by his [Trump’s] foreign policy views,” he continued, as Trump is the only person with stature in the Republican party continually criticizing why we’re supporting an endless war in Ukraine.

“That war is reshaping the world. It’s reshaping the economy of the world. It’s reshaping populations ... Europe will never be the same because of this war, and it really matters. And Trump alone among popular figures in both parties understands that.”

Clip and caption via @VigilantFox

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