2 weeks to live - #007 Genesis Week podcast livestream

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#007: 2 Weeks To Live, Genesis Week livestream and podcast

What would you do if your doctor grabbed you and told you you only had two weeks left to live? Join Al Vachon and myself with our guest Roland Heddins who found himself in those very shoes 20 years ago. What on earth happened that two weeks later that same doctor reported a complete bill of health? We discuss the root causes of many sicknesses and diseases and examine it within both a scientific and Biblical framework with testimonies of both Roland and myself and countless others. Ian also discusses a major boo-boo he made in the Complete Creation lecture series that, when corrected, all the more profoundly demonstrates the creationist's point regarding Lucy, the fossil skeleton.

Random References:

The Creation Cowboy, @PiltdownSupermn on twitter

Genesis Week Complete Creation part 36, "The Human Fossils?" aired April 15 2022:

Evolution of the hip and pelvis
Hogervorst, et. al., ACTA ORTHOPAEDICA SUPPLEMENTUM NO. 336, VOL. 80, 2009

The genital prolapse of Australopithecus Lucy?
G. Chene, et. al., International Urogynecology Journal, February 2015
DOI: 10.1007/s00192-015-2635-7

"In search of human origins," NOVA / PBS / WGBH,
Episode 1, "The Story of Lucy", 1994

A MORE EXCELLENT WAY, Dr. Henry Wright, 2009 Be in Health Inc.

HEALING begins with Sanctification of the heart "No disease is incurable", 4th edition 2013
Dr. M. K. Strydom, Eagles Wings' Ministries
Free to copy: https://free2meebooks.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/sanctification-of-the-heart-4th-edition-small1.pdf

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