Daniel 2-34 Verse of the day

1 year ago

The 6th day of the week, known as Friday July the 7th, 2023 Verse of the day
Daniel chapter 2 vs 34
Dan 2:34  Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. 

Please allow God almighty to lead you in meditation and contemplation on this passage and those passages and things that the Holy Spirit of God brings to mind. Herein the prophet of God almighty, Daniel, is shown the things to come that he may relay them to Nebuchadnezzar and also to all of us.

Make time to think deeply on these things during time "set aside" for God also.
Of course that "Make time" and"set aside" is poor wording, people should get the drift though.
For instance, the Sabbath is a great time that was already made for us to do these types of things with God, without delaying to do them other times also of course.

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