Legalism, Hebrew Roots, Torah and salvation - A scriptural discussion

1 year ago

Video Source and credit:

Will from The Truth Is Stranger than fiction:
In this video we take a deeper look at Matthew chapter 5, from which many people like to quote and claim that Christ is still calling us to observe the Mosaic law....

We also get into Isaiah 58, and several other scriptures.

My Analysis: After coming to salvation, I spent about 2 years, involved in a Messianic Jewish / Hebrew Roots fellowship. It helped me to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation for the Old Testament and how the New Testament interlinks in the fulfillment of prophecy and in the fulfillment of the True, Prophesied Messiah, Jesus / Yeshua. Despite this, I couldn't help but be troubled by the legalism within the Hebrew roots / Torah communities. They say they believe their salvation comes from Yeshua but also insist on following the Law of Moses, including eating kosher and strict Sabbath observance. I would ask them whether they were saved by "grace through faith" or by their works? many struggled to answer the question and would often appear to be in some form of mental conflict upon me asking the question.

On a sabbath day a few years ago (during attendance at an anti-government / Covid protest here in Australia) I met a fellow tin foil hat wearing "conspiracy theorist" who was a homeless woman in her 50's, the weather was cold and it was raining. I bought her a hot coffee and some food and she shared her life story with me, history of addiction, prostitution and how she came to be homeless. I shared my faith with her and she cried and stated she wanted to know more about Jesus and God's word. I prayed for her and she broke down crying and prayed for Jesus to come into her life and be her Lord and Savior. Whilst we were praying in my car the weather took a turn for the worse and the temperature dropped dramatically resulting in light snowfall. I took her back to my rural property where she was able to shower, I cooked her a meal and gave her a spare bed to sleep in for the night. The next day I made some enquiries and was able to locate some crisis accommodation for her. I shared scriptural information with her and spoke to her about who Jesus is and his ministry. During the drive to her new accommodation I stopped and bought her some groceries and we continued to discuss what she needed to do to turn her life around emphasizing the importance of prayer and repentance. When we arrived at her accommodation I prayed for her again and gave her a hug, She broke down crying and told me no one had ever shown her such kindness in all her life, she had been contemplating suicide and now had hope, for she had felt God's love for her through me.

A member of the Hebrew roots fellowhip enquired why I hadn't joined them for their Sabbath service that day, I explained why and was immediately rebuked and told I had done the wrong thing, placed myself in a vulnerable situation which could have tempted me into sexual sin and disrespected the sabbath. I was disgusted and disappointed by this reaction and immediately directed them towards the ministry of Jesus and the example he set for us.

It was after this experience that I felt the Holy Spirit drawing me away from the Hebrew Roots fellowship, pointing out the legalistic, pharisee spirit I had encountered there. I value the symbolic nature of the Old Testament Feast and Festivals and the meaning surrounding them, but I am saved by Faith in Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the blood he shed for us all. Circumcision of the Flesh profits nothing, it is circumcision of the Heart that is Important. If you truly know Jesus, you will never walk away from him and you will do his will during your life on God's Flat Earth. The views expressed in this video are very much in line with my own. If you have gotten this far, reading this description, I thank You. God Bless.

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