Across the Pond-07.07.23

1 year ago

"On today's episode of 'Across the Pond' with Trent Loos and Andrew Henderson, the hosts delved into a lighthearted discussion about the cultural differences in naming potato chips. While Americans refer to them as 'chips,' the British use the term 'crisps.' This sparked an engaging debate, which led to an exploration of why French fries are called 'chips' in the UK. Furthermore, they explored the origins of the term 'hamburger' and pondered its connection to the city of Hamburg.

Shifting gears, the hosts ventured into the contentious topic of fake meat versus real meat, emphasizing the nutritional value of the latter. Andrew highlighted a concerning report that shed light on a significant number of COVID vaccine-related deaths, which has allegedly been concealed from the public. This revelation prompted a thought-provoking discussion on transparency and accountability in vaccine reporting.

As the show neared its end, Trent shared his experience at the CO2 pipeline rally held at the South Dakota state capitol. The hosts underscored the importance of property rights and expressed their concerns over individuals trespassing onto private land for surveying purposes. Andrew also mentioned a proposed rule in the UK regarding the 'Right of Passage' on farmland, further stimulating the conversation on land ownership and access rights.

'Across the Pond' provides a perspective on current events and engages in lively discussions ranging from cultural differences to pressing social and political issues. Listeners can expect a mix of informative content, witty banter, and insightful analysis from hosts Trent Loos and Andrew Henderson."


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