The Guidebook We Need For Times We Didn't Ask For

1 year ago

Are you a Christian resolved to following the teachings of Jesus regardless of cultural pressure?

This book is written for you and the millions of Christians in North America who have discovered that our world has become hostile to many of our Christian beliefs.

Resilient is a realistic look at the increasing hostility toward Christianity in North America- and a powerful and winsome guide for how to stand firm in our Christian convictions.

It is time for thoughtful Christians to move from a state of shock to a state of confidence.

To that end, David Young assembles wise and courageous voices from Scrip-ture, history, and the global church to address how to respond at this moment in his-tory.

The result moves beyond analysis to laying out serious strategies for faithfully following the path of King Jesus amid tectonic cultural shifts under our feet.

Get your copy here:

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