Harnessing the Power of Generative AI for Business Innovation

1 year ago

Generative AI, powered by self-supervised learning and foundation models, is revolutionizing what's possible for businesses. This session provides an overview of generative AI and how companies can harness its potential. Topics include:

• What is generative AI and how does it differ from traditional AI?

• Examples of generative AI applications across industries

• Principles for developing a generative AI strategy and integrating it into your business

• IBM's new data and AI platform for generative AI and the breakthroughs IBM Research is enabling

• How generative AI can drive innovation, improve efficiency and unlock new revenue streams

Join Darío Gil, SVP and Director of IBM Research, as he demystifies generative AI and shares practical guidance for leveraging this transformative technology to gain competitive advantage. Walk away with an understanding of how generative AI can transform your business and a roadmap for getting started.

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