1 year ago

Jews, Levon Affair, Operation Susana, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, United Kingdom, UK, USA, U.S, Janathan Pollard, Meir Kahane, James Mahon, Alan Goodman, Ariel Weinman, Ben-Ami Kadish, Richard Perle, AEI, Dov Zakhelm, CFR, Larry Silverstein, Concil on Foreign Relations, NORAD, MITRE, DARPA, FAA, Luck Larry, Ptech, Drill, IRS, Operation Northen Vigilance, Joe Bergantino, NATO, White House, Michael Goff, J. P. Morgan, United States of America, Sears Tower, Benjamin Netanyahu, Isser Harel, Benjamin Chertoff, Ronald Lauder, Amit Yoran, Mike Delaney, Britain, Muslims, False Flag, Jews, Sayanim, Zionism, Anti-Semitic, Conspiracy Theory, Damage Control, Our Greatest Ally, USS Liberty, NSA, CIA, FBI, Armed Forces, Fire, Firefighters, Lyndon B.Johnson, USS Saratoga, USS America, Robert MacNamara, Dean Rusk, Thomas Hinman Moorer, James Ennes, William E. Odom, September Eleven, 911, 9/11, PNAC, ACB DOC, IASPS, John Bolton, William Kristol, Paul Wofowitz, Foreign Aid, Yom Kippur War, IDF, AIPAC, KGB, Mossad, FSB, Vladimir Putin, George W. Bush, Amdocs, Dancing Israelis, Sivan Kurzberg, Fake Passports, Car Bomb, Urban Moving Systems, Patriotic Act, Classified, Spying, Odigo, Comverse, ICTS, Ezra Harel, Shin Bet, HuntLeigh, Hijack, Sponsons, Donors, 911 Comission, ZIM Integreted Shipping Services, ZIM, Micheal Dick, Michael Chertoff, Muhamed Atta, Alan D. Atner, SIMS Group, Evidence, Dual Citizen, 2001
You will find out that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks, and behind several other attacks and plots against the USA and the west. Israel has been for very long time America's greatest enemy, spying, stealing technology, subverting the government and culture, buying politicians and the list goes on and on, unless people understand this there is little to no chance, spread the message! ISRAEL DID 9/11!

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