Voices For Freedom Connects Conference 2022

1 year ago

VFF Connects 2022 Conference
It's amazing what can be achieved when people come together and work with focus towards a shared vision for the future.
In September 2022 over 150 VFF team members from all around New Zealand gathered in one place for the first time. Each courageous local and regional coordinator present represents thousands of VFF supporters from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island.
This event was held in conjunction with a public event that saw hundreds of Kiwis come together to hear the VFF vision. It was also an opportunity to share experiences and consider the future we want for ourselves, our children and our communities more generally.
Voices For Freedom is funded through the donations of thousands of Kiwis. This special weekend would not have been possible without the generous support of our event sponsor who understood the vision and value of bringing our wider team together in the one place.
Voices for Freedom (VFF) is a grassroots, not-for-profit, community advocacy organisation. We are focused on raising awareness of the human issues associated with the Government’s response to Covid-19 and other matters impacting the rights and freedoms of New Zealanders.
VFF was founded by three Kiwi mothers; passionate women with professional backgrounds in law and education as well as running online communities in the health, wellbeing, and arts arenas. You can read more about our mission and vision here:
Our audience exceeds 100,000 supporters spread throughout the country with over 40,000 members active and engaged in local community groups. Our supporters are diverse in nature and span all ages, ethnicities, socio-economic groups, religious and political beliefs, and abilities.
We advocate for the open discussion and debate of important issues, information, research, and data affecting New Zealanders, particularly as a result of the Government’s response to COVID-19 including their public messaging, unethical and coercive policies, and rushed legislation.
When tens of thousands of upstanding Kiwis were forced out of their jobs, homes, and lives as a result of Government policy, VFF was there to assist them with resources, advice, and supportive community networks. We cared at a time when the Government and media turned their backs, instead using their power to encourage and create a two-tier society in New Zealand.
Our website provides details and examples of the resources and information we provide. To see some of our key podcasts we refer you to our interviews with experts and everyday Kiwis here:

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